ECG Segments and Intervals
PRsegment PRsegment

ECG Segments and Intervals

In this blog, we are going to explain the meaning of the segments and intervals on the ECG and discuss each of them in detail. This information will help the ECG interpreter to correlate each segments and intervals to its correspondent cardiac events and learn some pathologic conditions that may alter their normalcy.

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The T Wave
PR segment PR segment PR segment PR segment

The T Wave

In this article, we discuss the meaning of the T wave in the ECG and its normal parameters including amplitude, morphology, and axis. Additionally will mention causes that can lead to abnormalities of these parameters.

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The QRS Complex
PR segment PR segment PR segment PR segment

The QRS Complex

This article will explain the meaning of the QRS complex and its normal parameters of axis, duration, and amplitude. Additionally will mention some pathological conditions where these parameters could be altered.

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The P Wave
PR segment PR segment PR segment PR segment

The P Wave

In this article, you will learn about the meaning and characteristics of the P wave. I will also mention some disease states and arrhythmias that may lead to an abnormal or absent P wave.

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ECG Basics
PRsegment PRsegment

ECG Basics

In this article, you’re going to learn the basic meaning of the P-QRS-T waves. This will be a simplified overview of this topic. In later articles, I’ll review each wave independently more in-depth.

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